
Showing posts with the label in shape gym vallejo

5 Gym Exercises That’ll Have You Jumping Higher in No Time

Jumping, and leg power in general, has so many different uses. Whether you’re playing sports, learning how to rock climb, or just want to feel like a kid again and jump into a tree, focusing on improving your leaping ability in the gym is a worthy endeavor.    So, if you’re heading to your favorite Victorville or Vallejo gym , here are five exercises that’ll have your head in the clouds in no time. Platform Jumps What better way to practice jumping than by jumping? If your health club has a functional training area, grab a box or use an adjustable platform. Then, all you have to do is start jumping. Separate this exercise into reps and sets like you would anything else, and as you improve, you can get taller boxes or move the platform up. Focus on generating power from your legs (and keeping arm and shoulder movement to a minimum) so your legs will build up the strength they need to jump even higher. Barbell or Smith Machine Squats One of the best exercises for jumpi