5 Gym Exercises That’ll Have You Jumping Higher in No Time

Jumping, and leg power in general, has so many different uses. Whether you’re playing sports, learning how to rock climb, or just want to feel like a kid again and jump into a tree, focusing on improving your leaping ability in the gym is a worthy endeavor. 

So, if you’re heading to your favorite Victorville or Vallejo gym, here are five exercises that’ll have your head in the clouds in no time.

Platform Jumps

What better way to practice jumping than by jumping?

If your health club has a functional training area, grab a box or use an adjustable platform. Then, all you have to do is start jumping.

Separate this exercise into reps and sets like you would anything else, and as you improve, you can get taller boxes or move the platform up. Focus on generating power from your legs (and keeping arm and shoulder movement to a minimum) so your legs will build up the strength they need to jump even higher.

Barbell or Smith Machine Squats

One of the best exercises for jumping power and overall lower body strength is the squat. It works out all the muscles you need for high jumps, from your core and lower back to your quads, hamstrings, and even your calves.

Start with a comfortable weight and add more as you get stronger and start to jump higher. If you’re new to squats, a Smith machine is a great way to support your form while providing a little extra safety.

For even more explosiveness, take the first part of your squat slow, rest for a second at the bottom of the movement, and explode up with the bar. This helps your body get used to the intensity of jumping.

Single-Leg Presses

If you’re jumping from one leg like you might do while at the best pickleball California gyms, it’s important to focus on each leg individually in your training routine. Along with conventional squats and leg presses, mix in some unilateral work to ensure each leg is equally strong.

At the leg press machine, take about half of your working weight off (since you’ll only be using one leg). Set up in a normal position, then drop one leg and shift the remaining to the middle of the platform. Then, proceed to go through a set of presses.

If one leg feels weaker than the other, you can add more sets to that leg. Soon, you’ll be exploding from side to side in pickleball and leaping higher than ever before.

Calf Raises

For quick jumping, like jumping rope or playing basketball, calf strength is vital. Calf raises are an excellent exercise for adding strength and size to these underrated muscles.

Technically, you don’t need any equipment, but holding a dumbbell or kettlebell can increase the resistance and allow you to push yourself. If your gym has a weighted calf raise machine, even better.

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and simply stand up on your toes. Your knees should stay stationary, and you should feel the whole movement in your calf. Then, lower back down. It’s that easy! And as you add more weight, it won’t be long before you’re touching the rafters.

Drop Jumps

Plyometric training is all about targeting fast-twitch muscle fibers and teaching your body how to make quick movements. Drop jumps are a staple in lower body plyometrics and can help you in your quest to jump higher.

You’ll stand on a platform or box and then take a step backward. Drop to the ground, and as soon as your feet touch, immediately jump straight up as high as you can.

Combined with strength training, this exercise is a great way to unlock a new level of jumping power. Give it a try and watch the ground disappear as you soar higher and higher.

About In-Shape Health Clubs

No matter your fitness journey, In-Shape Health Clubs can help you reach your destination. From bodybuilders and marathon runners to yogis and fitness newcomers, In-Shape offers the equipment, amenities, and studio fitness classes you need to achieve your goals. As one of the best gyms in Turlock, Victorville, and all across California, In-Shape will quickly become a part of your daily routine. Whether you want to sign up for one of the best pickleball tournaments California has to offer or cool down after an intense workout in the pool, you’ve got the best support possible in your pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. With an In-Shape membership, you’re ready to step into your next level of fitness.

Watch your jumping improve by leaps and bounds when you join In-Shape at https://www.inshape.com/


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